Thursday, February 27, 2014

Forever in Our Hearts



Believe in Miracles?


Keith Small returned home from the ACN National Convention last Sunday night with his friends and colleagues, Kirk, MaryAnn, and Johnny. The 4 ACN leaders didn't know they were going to bed exposed to a deadly poison, 10 times the level needed to set off a carbon monoxide detector. Tragically, the batteries in the only detector were dead, and the four sleeping co-workers were never alerted to the airborne danger and the impending catastrophe. Kirk, MaryAnn, and Johnny never woke up. However, in Keith's case, an absolute miracle occurred. Experts say about 6 hours is the maximum a person could survive in the midst of deadly carbon monoxide levels, but Keith defied that theory, surviving more than 30 hours in his room. When first responders found Keith had a pulse, they airlifted him to MA General Hospital, where they put Keith in a hyperbaric chamber. Family and friends prayed for Keith all week, as he lie in a coma, but breathing on his own. After a Sunday morning community prayer for Keith at 9 a.m,, he opened his eyes at around 9:30 and spoke several words. Doctors were stunned but very pleased at this development. Now, moving forward cautiously, Keith is recovering a little more each day and will continue his road to recovery with some needed rehab work. Keith's miracle is a silver lining to a tragic week for everyone who knew the ACN Four. I believe in miracles, do you?

"Your Success is Our Success!"

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